Jan 19th, 2018
Q) I am interested in the B2 Pro. I want to create a U87 clone with my original K87 capsule. Can I get a good U87 clone with your mod and changing the stock capsule to my K87 capsule?
A) Sorry, I don't know ...it won't be the same, can't be ! In fact some china capsules are actually better ! The real issue is the bias volts on the capsule , internal "meg ohm" load & high frequency trim capacitor as well as gain circuit equalization will never make it the same ! It might sound acceptable. Simply put an original B2 pro is a very different, super wide range, high dynamic range capsule, that is better than most. It's internal preamp circuits are designed for that. I have changed over to apex , similar capsule (the best for the price -case closed!) and it does sound quite similar but a little softer ... to use a layman's description. Want a U87? Get a CAD 8000 with a little mod. It has transformers (B2 does not) and sounds very much the same as a new fresh U87, for $300. Why modify ? Great mics are available for $150 to $300 USD. that beat anything you can build or modify.
Thanks for your inquiry, contact me if you interested further.
Read more about our B2 Pro modifications here.